Hey there, mama! Childbirth preparation is your secret weapon as you gear up for one of the most incredible moments of your life—welcoming your little one into the world!
While it’s natural to have a few jitters, we know that tearing is usually high on the list! It’s the number one fear we hear from our clients!
1: Stay Active and Move That Bump
Think of it as prepping for the ultimate marathon. Keeping active during pregnancy is fantastic! Prenatal yoga, long walks, gentle stretching and deep squats can keep your muscles in tip-top shape. Strong but flexible is the goal!
2: Perineal Massage: Your New Best Friend
Okay, this one might sound a bit odd, but trust us! Around the 34-week mark, start giving your perineum (that’s the area between your vagina and anus) a gentle massage.
Using good lube and your thumbs, put pressure on the bottom of your vagina and make stretchy, swooping U shapes to increase elasticity.
If your partner wants to help, that’s great, but tell him the midwife says this is not foreplay! (unless you want it to be no judgment!)
Stretchy bottoms help reduce your chance of tearing when your baby makes their grand entrance. This gives “Feel the Burn” a whole new meaning!
3: Nutrition for the Win
Healthy nourished tissues are more likely to stretch over a baby’s head without tearing.
Increasing your protein and collagen with foods like bone broth, chicken and fish will grow a healthy baby and an elastic perineum! (And take a good prenatal!)
4: Warm Water Magic
During labor, warm water can be a game-changer. If you are choosing a water birth, the warm water will help your tissues stay soft and supple. If you are pushing on land, ask your midwife for a compress.
At Embrace we created a special blend of herbs that we steep in a crockpot just for our laboring clients! Compresses help the perineum relax and increase blood flow to the area. Better yet- our clients love them!

5: Build Your Dream Team
Having a supportive birth team is key.
Choosing a midwife who’s all about gentle birthing techniques will be the most important thing you do to have the birth you want.
Don’t be shy—chat with them about your concerns and preferences. They’re there to support you and your baby!
6: Find Your Groove with Different Positions
Who says childbirth has to be boring? Experiment with different birthing positions.
Being on all fours or lying on your side to push can reduce pressure on the perineum and give your baby more room to navigate.
It’s a common midwife belief that the positions and sounds that got the baby in, will get the baby out! Find what feels best for you and go with it!
7: Blow, Baby, Blow
Every birth book talks about the ring of fire. Burning means you’re stretching- just try it! Stretch your calf as far as it will go, then just a bit farther.
Now hoooold it, hooold it…see, it feels a bit burny too! When you feel the burn at birth, remember you are about to create a birthday, and you need to blow those candles out! Blow through your lips, like a horse.
It will help ease your baby right on through.

Listen to Your Body (and Your Support Team)
When the time comes to push, go with the flow and listen to your body. Pushing gradually and breathing naturally can make a big difference.
Your midwife will be right there, watching carefully for good blood flow and stretchy tissues, guiding you every step of the way.
Teamwork makes the dream work!
Remember, every birth is unique, and even with all these tips, sometimes tearing happens.
If it does, a few sutures and our famous Coochie Care Kit will help you heal well. Keep that positive vibe, trust your body, and lean on your amazing support system. You’re going to rock this!

Did you know we do tours every Wednesday at 11 am and Saturday at 9am?
If you want to see our beautiful birth center in person, we would love to show you around and help you decide if a home birth or birth center birth is right for you!