Labor is like hunting for gold…you may think you have the real thing 20 times before you finally see real treasure!
Those false alarms, that wishful thinking, that heart-jumping excitement can be discouraging for someone who is waiting eagerly to meet the new squish of a baby, or for someone who is just tired of being pregnant and wants their body back! Let me help you talk yourself down from the roller coaster ride!
When to Go to the Birth Center for Labor: Spotting the Real Deal
First and foremost, If you are asking yourself if it is labor, it is NOT LABOR. When it is labor, you will not miss it.
You will not be fooled into thinking it is Braxton Hicks, or indigestion, or something you ate. It will grab your attention, and you will no longer have a single doubt in your mind that
Try to “not” be in labor until you have to be. Ignore it. Deny it.
Tell yourself it’s just indigestion, a little backache, or one of those odd, pregnancy quirks. When you absolutely can’t ignore it—that’s when to go to the birth center for labor.
Timing It Right: Knowing When to Head to the Birth Center
Remember that for 99.5% of first time moms, labor builds up slowly and allows plenty of time to get to the birth center or birth center. You don’t have to rush. It’s OK to let it build.
Cope with yourself until you need your partner, your partner until you need your doula, and your doula until you need your midwife!
Whether you are heading to the birth center or the birth center, you do not want to labor somewhere unfamiliar until you are around 6 cm, which is active labor, and typically happens when your contraction pattern reaches 4-1-1 and you don’t care if you have pants on!!
The hormones that come with active labor create a mindset called “labor land.” Feeling dreamy, eyes softening, and truly not caring whether your neighbor sees your butt on the way to the car!

What Do Labor Pains Feel Like? Recognizing True Labor
I often get asked what contractions feel like. really is different for everyone, but here are some pretty consistent signs that you’re moving into labor:
- The contractions are coming in a wave pattern, with a build-up, a peak, and a letting go.
- You feel them in your back, wrapping around your belly, and then feeling them top to bottom in your uterus.
- Your contractions do not slow down or stop with rest, hydration or an Epsom salt bath.
These signs can give you confidence about when to go to the birth center for contractions.

Sharp Pains in the Cervix: A Sign of Labor?
Another question that may pop up is—Are sharp pains in the cervix a sign of labor?
These cervix “zingers” can be an indicator, especially as your body prepares for active labor.
But they don’t necessarily mean it’s go-time. Pair these sensations with other signs like regular contractions or fluid leakage to help decide when to go to the birth center for labor.
Water Breaking: The Ultimate Green Light?
The last way to “know” you are in labor is to have your amniotic bag break.
This is the most common “false alarm” call mothers make, so don’t be embarrassed if you just are unsure and need to see your midwife!
In late pregnancy, there is a LOT of vaginal discharge and cervical mucous. We also might be peeing a little when the baby shifts or we sneeze.
And, of course, there’s always the chance that last night’s leftover loving is running down your leg!
All of these things can fool you, and even your birth center can’t tell unless we do a test on the fluid!
If you’re in doubt about fluid leakage, here’s a little trick:
- Sit backward on the toilet, lift your belly, and pee—fully empty your bladder.
- Dry yourself thoroughly with a towel or washcloth.
- Walk around pantiless for 10 minutes, lifting your belly, twerking, doing squats. We are trying to lift your baby and open your pelvis enough to see if more fluid comes.
If you stay dry, you probably are not leaking amniotic fluid, but if you have a single doubt in your mind- call your birth center ASAP and get their instructions.
When to Go to the Birth Center for Contractions: Timing Is Everything
So, in summary, when to go to the birth center for labor often boils down to recognizing a few key patterns:
- Contractions following the 4-1-1 rule
- Increasing in intensity and frequency
- Back-to-belly sensations that don’t stop with rest or hydration
- Possibly your water breaking (though it’s not always a definitive sign)
When all signs align, it’s time to go! Pack your bags, prep for the big day, and breathe easy—you’re well on your way to meeting your little one.
In the Meantime: Relax, Prepare, and Have Faith
While you are waiting for labor to build up, pack your back, bake a birthday cake, and binge your favorite show while doing the Miles Circuit.
Relax. Enjoy. Remember that 99% of what is happening is natural and normal and needed! Have faith in your body and your baby. Just like you knew how to conceive that baby, your body knows how to grow it, birth it, nurse it. You’re going to be a mama of a little one soon, and you’re going to be brilliant!

Did you know we do tours every Wednesday at 11 am and Saturday at 9am?
If you want to see our beautiful birth center in person, we would love to show you around and help you decide if a home birth or birth center birth is right for you!