Investment & Insurance
We are used to investing in things that are important to us.
Engagement rings and weddings. Cars and down payments on houses. Vacations. That dog you’ve been dreaming of. New furniture.
We spend our money on things that are important to us, things that enrich our lives, things that are once in a lifetime, things that create beautiful memories. You only will birth the baby you are carrying once.
Ask any woman, even one 80 years old, what her birth was like and she will tell you her story. She will tell you the details, and tell you the victory, and yes, tell you the troubles. Your baby being born gently and with love is priceless.
We are often asked, “Isn’t Midwifery Care Expensive?” We think its value is the best healthcare dollar you can spend!

Many families choose birth centers because they have read the studies:
• Cesarean births
• Episiotomies
• 3rd and 4th degree tears
• NICU stays.
• Postpartum depression and mood disorders
Birth Centers and Midwifery Care Increases:
• Unmedicated birth rates
• Personalized care
• Breastfeeding success
• Happiness with birth experience
• Partner involvement
They know that for healthy women, birth centers offer safety and support.
We believe you deserve great service, or what we prefer to call care.
You deserve to be greeted by name for your on-time appointment by people who know you personally. You deserve to have your messages and calls answered promptly, your time respected, and your care customized just for you. These are just a few of the little things we do to make sure you are fully Embraced!
We pride ourselves on our transparent pricing & straightforward answers:
We are happy to offer payment plans for all of our clients!
Every family pays a $1,000 deposit for care at their Orientation Visit, which reserves their space on our always booked calendar! We can then divide up your remaining balance into even monthly payments.
We offer tiered pricing for Cash and Healthshare Clients:
Pay In Full By 36 Weeks: $6800 (Save $1700).
Pay In Full By 38 Weeks: $7450 (Save $1050).
Pay In Full By 40 Weeks*: $8500.
*or at the time of birth (whichever is sooner).
Pay in full by your second visit for an additional $250 discount!
If you have traditional insurance, it can be confusing…
Deductibles, co-pays, in-network, out-of-network.. and did you know that even if you go to an in-network hospital, you might receive care from an out-of-network doctor or anesthesiologist, and have to pay BOTH in-network and out-of-network deductibles?
What about items that aren’t covered under your policy?
Does your baby have a deductible, too?
Will your pregnancy cross over your policy’s calendar year, making another deductible apply to your care?
The average cost of maternity care and a vaginal birth in Virginia is somewhere between $15,000 and $18,000! That doesn’t include the additional costs of a cesarean birth, which is currently a 34% chance in RVA and typically costs between $23,000 and $37,500.
Maternity care in America costs more than any other country, and we have some of the worst maternal and neonatal outcomes in the world. These are problems and issues that mainstream medicine and health insurance has left us with, and here at Embrace, we can’t fix it. We totally wish we could!
There are endless insurance companies and policies, and as a small business, we cannot handle the huge undertaking that billing insurance entails. It’s important to note that we are NOT in-network with any insurance company. Our contract is with you, and your contract is with your insurance company.
Would you like to see how your insurance company would handle care at Embrace?
We are happy to recommend a wonderful insurance billing company. Reaching out to them for a Verification of Benefits is a great place to start! Ask about it on your tour!
They can do all the dirty work for just $25 and get you a full breakdown of what your insurance will cover — including in-network, out-of-network, deductibles, copays, GAP exceptions, pre-authorizations and anything else they can find to help! After your baby, you can also hire them to process your insurance claim. They are PROs over there!
Insurance Options
Insurance Clients
Clients with commercial insurance pay an Insurance Deposit equal to our Embracing Miracles Care Fee of $6800, due by 36 weeks.
After your 6 week postpartum visit, we can provide a superbill for you to submit yourself, or you can hire our favorite billing company to handle it all.
We know that surprise bills after a baby are tough! What insurance will allow, pay, or deny is often a mystery until that claim is processed. If your insurance company denies your claim, we will revert your contract to a Cash Contract and your Insurance Deposit will apply to our Early Pay Fee of $6800.
We want you to focus on your sweet new baby, not on what may be looming in the mailbox!
Tricare & Medicaid
Sigh. Medicaid & Tricare are both so tough. Our founder, Corina, is a vet and has loved being able to serve those that serve! We also believe deeply in Medicaid as a way for people from all walks of life to access excellent care. Although we have been licensed Medicaid and Tricare providers for 9 years, the powers and politics have created a system that is just no longer sustainable. Please call your representatives! Many people are working at a legislative level to get it fixed and we hope that will come sooner rather than later!
We offer a 20% discount off of our cash price, making your cost $5100 for our Expecting Miracle’s Care and Facility Fee. We accept payments with the total being due no later than 36 weeks.
- Tricare clients may choose to submit their costs to Tricare themselves, or hire our favorite billing company for consideration of reimbursement
- All labs and ultrasounds are billed to your insurance.
- Problem visits are available at the discounted price of $75-$100, or you are welcome to see your primary care doctor or go to urgent care.
- Birth medications and state mandated newborn testing are discounted 20% as well and are due at your 1 week postpartum visit.
Other Options & Benefits.
We also offer deep discounts on labs and ultrasounds through our Private Practice agreements, saving you thousands over the standard prices.
You are welcome to use your benefits to pay for your care with us.
Credit and Debit Cards
Credit cards are welcome, but do have a 3% surcharge. Feel free to bring us cash, check or make an ACH payment to avoid this fee.
Creative Solutions
Having your baby somewhere you love is important! Some people have crowd-funded. Some have asked for donations at their baby shower. Some have doubled down on their budget and cut out all extras to make it happen. Some have sold second cars or gotten second jobs.

Book A Tour
Come explore our two plush birth suites and meet Corina and the Embrace family.
Every Wednesday at 11 am +
Every Saturday at 9 am.
Let's Create Your Beautiful Birth Story!
Water Births
Women sink into a tub full of warm water, and everything changes. It’s MAGIC.
About Embrace
Meet the Embrace team and discover just how different your beautiful birth could be.
Midwifery Care
Whether you’re birthing at our center, your home or the hospital, our midwives can help!